ENJOY IN LIFE                   

           Living is the constant process of making decisions and setting up goals for the time. Some people would like living it alone, and enjoying this single time, but others may prefer experiencing it with a person, and love married life. Everyone in the world experiences the question at some point in time, either single or married. Both single and married lives get some levels at supporting it when speaking about it. At that past times, most of these people have to get married while others are planning to go married, but in today's reality, some people choose to be only, either than to get married. That has really altered the lives of some people and their lifestyles. Majority of the world's population needs to get married in the time and make the home. Yet they need to enjoy the experience of parenthood to its fullest significance; Although, it's  not easy to make the home. However, most people also need to live this single life, with the knowledge of not making family, avoiding more obligations to do and also avoiding the low cost of living. Single people also tend to take up positions in the workplace, because of the available experience they take.

          Living is the constant process of making decisions and setting up goals for the time. Some people would like living it alone, and enjoying this single time, but others may prefer experiencing it with a person, and love married life. Everyone in the world experiences the question at some point in time, either single or married. Both single and married lives get some levels at supporting it when speaking about it. At that past time, most of these people have to get married while others are planning to go married, but in the present’s reality, some people choose to be alone, either than to get married.

          But more significantly, being here is undoubtedly the only means to experience living to the fullest. By being aware, you love the matter more, you love friends and family more, you love a thing you’re doing more. Thing. Even things you might believe are drudgery or boring, such as work, maybe awesome if you are really here. Take it — clean dishes or move or make, and be fully present. It takes knowledge, but it’s unbelievable.

         Enjoy time, but remember that you can be brought into judgment. Enjoy time, particularly while you are young. Love the times of the young. There is a full world of possibilities and chances. There are some things you will do with your time. There are some places you can take. Enjoy time. The older you go, the more obligations you take and that less you will do. The older you go, the less you need to get and do matters. The older you go, the harder it is on the structure to get and do those things that are free to love in time. But as you get into the reality never leave that for all that you do you can be taken into judging by God.

         Love your time no matter what you have, material things are only this and wish nothing in the long run. Most of all experience whats free…..life, love each other, love the experience with family and friends, Don't spend time looking at the barrier wishing you got more as you never know when what you get can be started and all that wealth in this world cant get it back.

       Today is the new start. Encourage us to begin our life at starting today with the state of self-love. Encourage us to love our time, to love our relationships, to explore time, to take risks, to stay life, and to no longer sleep in fear of love. Let us turn our hearts to this passion that is our heritage. Encourage us to take come Masters of Gratitude, kindness, and passion so that we can Love all of the creations forever and always. Amen.

        The second point of philosophy is to Enjoy the time. Enjoying that experience actually means to realize that the time is the best and we ought to get the best of it. This Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio was an excellent show of philosophy by Enjoying The time. It is about the set of nobles escaping that dark Death (Bubonic Plague). Although moments in the Black Death were hard, Boccaccio discovers the pleasure of living in this novel. It was when identified as “ the book of the passion of life ”. It actually focuses on the quality of living and ignores all the illness and hopelessness in the Black Death.

          The problem is that enjoying life may not take our life intention. Even if you believe that enjoying life is your life intention, you can’ ’t accomplish it without turning into more aware, without studying and growing into more conscious. Our living use is what we believe we are on the earth to do. Our life purpose doesn’ ’t get out at time. Our living use gives us quality and position for everything we do. Enjoying life daily, every time requires that you turn into a student of consciousness.

         There are myriad ways in which we can enjoy a better time. Yet there is one number that has to take in asking if we are to enjoy time. This is the health and well-being of the person. If we are not good, we may not love time however much we have. So it is essential that we take steps that lead to greater health. Health does not mean better eating habits only, but also enough training coupled with good interpersonal relationships. While there are myriad things you may do to live a good life, being is the most crucial paths that you should make. Keep in mind that feeling one and neglecting the different is not the option.

         Wellness is a really crucial aspect in the life of everyone. Thing is more valuable than well-being and fitness for any human. Good and well people actually enjoy their living very happily and peacefully. An unhealthy individual may not enjoy life at the full level. He/she may not love eating, watching sports, or other luxury of this time. It is really told by our elders that welfare is property. To keep better welfare, we need to properly be careful of the medicine and cleaning all around us. We have to take well and full food in a timely way.

         We should take children up as one example of how not to take time thus badly. Children are experts on going over being said no and going away and enjoying the next thing at life. Let’s all seek to enjoy living that way kids love bubbles. Here are eight choices those who don’ ’t make themselves seriously see living better. Quit concentrating on matters that are fully out of the control. There equals no end. You will not keep or move them, then stop wasting your precious time on those feelings, and concentrate more on enjoying time.

          If you work only for a check and don’ ’ ’t love what you do you cannot love all these different things in life as much. How do you believe your everyday life would look if you spend eight of those sixteen minutes you are awake doing something you don’ ’ ’t love? When looking back in your living in the older years you should be to think that you have loved your job and did it for good reasons. Enjoying the work and making what you live is a huge part of living life to the fullest.

          Last but not least, one of those significant reasons why we’re here is likewise to love time. Bad and clever business is just one side of the coin. The other thing is playing, quiet and just enjoying large and little things on time. If we can connect enjoying time with individual and business effort and personal development, that’s still greater. From giving dear to somebody we deeply worry about climbing the highest mountains or playing ball on this beach. It’s the complete win-win. But enjoying life is fine, too, but I’m not so well with this. Anyway, confirm to savor every time of your life, at least for a couple of hours.

         Yes, enjoying time is an important part of being awake. What's this end of being awake if you're unable to love it? Enjoying time means getting fun together. This is why you will see all sorts of games within each and every society on the planet. This is why there are dances and music and moments where this sharing of gab is being cropped. Fun moments these exist -and for better reason!

         I play- I say that to myself to ponder if I am enjoying and having fun. The topic is not specific to time or business. Enjoying time and enjoying what you do to get is the single matter which weighs! When you are enjoying living and having fun, you realize the real meaning of love and being 100 percent present at those tiny happy moments which give up living.

          Day is the new start. Encourage me to get my life starting today with the state of self-love. Encourage me, God, to love my experience, to love my relationships, to explore time, to take these risks, to stay life, and to no longer live in fear of love. Let me move my heart to like this is my heritage. Encourage me to turn into the master of feeling, kindness, and passion so that I can Love all of your creations forever and always.

           Then, this’s the common daily plan. As for what time is actually like, it’s easy. And I love it this way. I’ll be running on college applications shortly, and summer/beach weather is going to take. I heartily love my time and be thankful every time that I take to live it. Want that helped!
Time is to close for all those arguments, judging and condemning. Like God, like your neighbor, love the brothers and sisters in Christ and make the meaning be in the life of each individual. Love one another, love friendship, get one joke, be worried for one another and do what you will to show the love of God to everyone you meet.

           Don't be a person, be the living force that flows through the world. Experience the moment in the body that will do you feel the winter chills and the summer heat, the savory chilies, and the fresh love and everything there is to take. Love the laugh these comedians are holding around. Experience the thrills that go with starting from the airplane with a parachute or a wingsuit or climbing a water or trekking on mountains or sliding down the waterslide. Love the smiling faces of small kids or different living forms (animals laugh too). Think about the living power that flows in and around you.

           The idea of the poem is to see life in a better manner and not be so bad about it. Ice is telling us to stay joyful and decide to enjoy living and live life to the fullest. We want to enjoy the time. Time is small and will be taken away from us in a moment of time. We never know when our spirits would be. We don't  want to be so bad about feelings. Ice is enjoying these small things in life, e.g., picking apples during his time. Life will be fun and pleasant if we see these small things in life and love those things. See this little and not care about the big things that will destroy our lives.


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